Thank you for your interest in helping the Emory Remote Area Medical student organization. Even though the crowdfunding campaign has ended, you can still support Emory RAM by making a gift today!

Support Underserved Rural Communities

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
55 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 17, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

You Made the Difference for Emory Remote Area Medical!

April 22, 2021

Thank you for supporting Emory Remote Area Medical (RAM) in our effort to organize free clinics in medically underserved rural areas. Because of your gift to our campaign, last November 30, Emory students were able to gain critical healthcare skills while serving the underserved in East Ridge, Tennessee.

We would not have been able to impact our community and help those in need without your generosity! We are excited to share that ERAM has launched a new campaign to provide a free dental, vision, and healthcare clinic in Louisville, Georgia from September 25th to September 26, 2021. We hope that you will check out our new campaign and spread the word to help benefit such a meaningful cause.

Thank you again for all that you do to support us!

-ERAM Team

We did it!

November 18, 2019

Thank you for all of your generous contributions to Emory's Remote Area Medical (RAM) Momentum. We are excited to announce that not only have we met our goal, but we have exceeded it! 


We wanted to share some updates of the amazing work our team is doing. We are currently planning the logistics of the clinic we hope to create in Louisville, Georgia. We are specifically finding lodging for volunteers, a space to host our clinic, and communicating with potential doctors to serve as volunteers. We are also grateful to be able to send 30 Emory students to a RAM clinic in East Ridge, Tennessee this past weekend, November 16 and 17. Lastly, we are working on gaining nonprofit status to help with applying for grants and asking donors for support in the future.


We wouldn't be able to do any of this without your generous support and contributions. We, in Emory RAM, hope to make you proud as we work to reduce healthcare disparities across rural communities in the U.S.



Amulya and Anna  

Two Weeks Remaining

November 01, 2019

Thank you for all of the generous contributions so far. We are beyond excited to share that we have reached more than 70% of our fundraising goal.


To give you all an update, Emory RAM members are currently planning the logistics to set up our own RAM clinic in Louisville, Georgia by communicating with local community members and the board of commissioners for Jefferson County. Also, we are sending a group of more than 30 Emory students to a RAM clinic held in East Ridge, Tennessee on November 16 and 17 to observe the operation of creating such a large-scale clinic as well as volunteer to deliver medical, dental, and vision services to those in need. 


We sincerely appreciate all of the support and donations received thus far. As we still have under two weeks left for our Momentum campaign, we would like to ask you to please share our campaign page,, with your friends and family via email. You can also share our campaign easily on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Thank you. 

Thank You For Contributing to Our Amazing Start!

October 17, 2019

Thank you all for your generous contributions since we launched our Momentum page on Thursday, October 10!


This past weekend (October 12 and 13), our executive board had the opportunity to visit a clinic in Rutledge, Tennessee. We were able to help register patients and observe the overall operation of creating a free clinic from start to finish. We were not only able to interview patients and ask about their lack of access to healthcare resources, but also provide them with onsite medical, dental, and vision services to address their needs. We now have a better understanding of the logistics, tools and organization necessary to create a successful RAM clinic in preparation for creating our own clinic in Georgia. 


We would like to ask you to please share our campaign page,, with your friends and family via email. You can also share our campaign easily on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Thank you,

Anna and Amulya

Choose a giving level


A Good First Step

Your gift brings us one step closer to serving another patient. Thank you for your support!


Help Is On The Way

Your donation can help us create clinic service trips for Emory students to serve and witness the need for healthcare improvement rurally!


It Takes a Team

Your contribution can help support a scholarship fund for student volunteers in need so that they can volunteer through Emory RAM service trips!


Change a Life

In 2018, it cost RAM on average $95 to treat each patient- your generosity could change someone’s life by giving them healthcare otherwise unattainable for them!


Providing Energy For The Job

Your donation will help us feed the volunteers at our clinic and support the patients who wait overnight to receive care!


Become a RAM Humanitarian

Running a clinic demands a lot financially, and your generosity has allayed that cost significantly! We cannot thank you enough for making our efforts and service possible!

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