Thank you so much for your support of diversity and inclusion at Emory! Your generosity helps build community through the Office of Racial and Cultural Engagement or Asian Pacific-Islander Desi American Activists and provides scholarship support through the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarships, Black Law Student Association Scholarship, and more.
Let’s increase our impact together! Help us spread the word and ask your friends to join you, so we can continue to improve access and equity. Please share this campaign with your networks, using the social share buttons on our page or here via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or via email (
Thank you again for being a part of this global giving movement. Your gift and every gift you inspire will help Emory fulfill its commitment to radically reshape the future to serve humanity through knowledge.
Thank you for supporting diversity and inclusion at Emory. Your gift is making on and off campus initiatives possible as we work together to advance social justice.
On September 16 at 4:00 PM, join us for a special live webcast where Dr. Ibram Kendi, National Book Award Winner, Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities, and Founding Director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research, will discuss how to address systemic racial inequities and injustice in America by learning how to be an antiracist. Moderated by Dr. Carol Anderson, the Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies at Emory University and author of White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide, a New York Times Bestseller, this discussion will address what is required from us – self-awareness, self-criticism, self-examination – to lead to policy change and make the vision of a just society a shared reality.
As we continue to develop meaningful ways to connect virtually, bookmark The Emory Collective’s diversity and inclusion focused digital engagement opportunities. Please share these opportunities with your family and friends and stay tuned for additional updates regarding educational and philanthropic opportunities to advance diversity and inclusion at Emory.
There’s still time to enjoy this month’s diversity and inclusion efforts! As we adjust to our new normal, we want to make you aware of the digital engagement opportunities Emory is offering.
Emory’s diversity and inclusion programming for May includes this Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Webinar Series.
Please view the programming details to learn more and stay tuned for additional opportunities to celebrate diversity and inclusion within the Emory community!