Thank you for your interest in the JScreen Momentum project. This campaign has ended.

JScreen: Keeping You Healthy From Generation to Generation

JScreen: Keeping You Healthy From Generation to Generation Image
Raised toward our $50,000 Goal
209 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 01, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

We are so close! JScreen needs you to meet our matching gift challenge!

November 22, 2021

JScreen’s annual fundraising campaign is well underway. This year, we have an amazing funding opportunity, and we need your help today.  An anonymous donor has generously offered a $25,000 matching gift if we reach our goal of $100,000 by December 10, 2021. We are so close! Please consider making a meaningful gift for our life-saving work. And share the online campaign link widely on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or by email.  


We are so grateful for your past commitment and appreciate your continued support.  Please make your gift here.  Together, we can save lives.


-The JScreen Team


We did it!

December 03, 2020

Thanks to your generosity, JScreen has reached our fundraising goal!


Your gift will allow us to continue offering our affordable and accessible nationwide genetic testing services which help keep our families healthy.


In the future, if you would like to give in honor of someone, in memory of a loved one, or just because, you can do so 24/7 at

Keeping the momentum going through #GivingTuesday

December 01, 2020

Thank you so much for your generous gifts that have brought us so close to our goal! Our campaign ends today with #GivingTuesday, so please continue to share the donate link ( to help us reach $50,000, which will be matched dollar-for-dollar.



This JScreen Baby Thanks You

November 18, 2020

THANK YOU for your generous donation to JScreen’s Annual Campaign! We are at the halfway mark of our weeklong campaign and your gift has pushed us toward reaching 40% of our goal.


As one JScreen participant put it, “JScreen's low cost made testing an easy decision. The process was quick, easy and completely remote- just spit in the tube and return the sample in a pre-paid, provided envelope. My results were reviewed with me by a genetic counselor within 2 weeks, all without a single trip to a Doctor's office. I can't imagine a simpler way make better guided decisions for our future family.”


JScreen transforms access to genetic testing and helps families plan for the health of their future children. We cannot wait to roll out our cancer genetic test in the next few weeks which will provide a powerful tool to help people plan for their own health in the space of cancer prevention.


Please ask your networks to join you in this cause by sharing the information widely on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or by email (


Thank you again.


Together, we can save lives.


-The JScreen Team


Choose a giving level


Double Chai

Double Chai: Shows your gratitude for our 7 years of life-saving work



Outreach: Supports our outreach to keep generations of families healthy


Raise Awareness

Raise Awareness: Allows us to provide information folders and brochures to physicians and rabbis


Prevent Cancer

Prevent Cancer: Helps someone minimize their risk of cancer


Healthy Babies

Healthy Babies: Helps a couple access genetic testing for their future baby’s health



Educate: Supports a community education program


College Screenings

College Screenings: Ensures 15 college students have access to testing


Genetic Expert Support

Genetic Expert Support: Supports JScreen’s high quality genetic counseling services

Our Crowdfunding Groups