Thank you for your interest in the Global Brigades Momentum campaign. Even though this campaign has ended, you can still support the Emory Global Brigades by making a gift here, today!
On behalf of the Emory Global Brigades’ Medical and Dental Chapter we would like to thank you for donating to our campaign. With your support, we are one step closer to providing free comprehensive medical and dental health to rural communities in need! We thank you for choosing to make a difference. Your generosity will not only make a huge impact in Honduras, but also in the lives of Emory’s pre-health students who now have increased accessibility and ability to make a global impact.
To keep up with our journey throughout the year and to see the impact your gift will make firsthand follow us on Instagram at:
For every $10 raised, we can give one patient a dental kit, including toothpaste and toothbrush.
Every $63 donated can give one patient access to a doctor and essential medications.
Hundreds of patients are provided access to healthcare by each brigade.