Thank you for your interest in the 100 Senior Honorary for Equity at Emory Momentum campaign. This crowdfunding project has ended, but if you still want to support the causes listed below, you can still make a gift today!
We would like to thank each of you who participated in 100 Senior Honorary for Equity at Emory! Your participation and decision to make a parting impact on your Emory communities as you venture into becoming an alumnus speaks volumes about your extraordinary commitment as a leader.
Our campaign ended with 65% participation with $811 in donations. Additionally, together your cohort and other graduating seniors you inspired unlocked $250 in challenge funds to benefit four equity funds here at Emory that provide direct student support. Your impact and the gift you made will ensure you leave Emory a more equitable and inclusive university for those who will follow in your footsteps. For that, we sincerely thank you!
We look forward to providing you updates throughout this upcoming year to show you how your gift is actively making a difference in the lives of current students. We hope that we continue to have your support and leadership in the future!
100SH Team
We are Emily Gardin and Gizem Terzioglu, graduating seniors and members of the Class of 2021 100 Senior Honorary amongst you all. We wanted to thank you all for supporting this amazing cause! We have reached 64% of our goal of 100 senior donors. Because of your generosity, we have successfully unlocked $250 in challenge funds, to be donated to the equity funds in honor of our cohort!
We are just 36% away from our goal of 100 senior donors, which will unlock the remaining $250 in challenge funds to provide critical support to students in need.
Maximize your impact by encouraging just one graduating friend or 100 SH peer to join you in supporting this campaign. If we each bring one additional peer into the fold, we will reach our goal! Also, thanks for coming out to the Senior Wonderful Wednesday After Dark and the Senior Photo pop-up event. We look forward to seeing you again in the near future!