Thank you for your interest in the EMBA 2023 Class Gift. This campaign has ended, but you an still support the Goizueta Library through the Business Library Databases fund by making a gift here, today!

EMBA 2023 Class Gift

EMBA 2023 Class Gift Image
Participation Drive
28 Donors
Towards goal of 55 Donors
$4,979.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on May 14, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

EMBA 2023 Class Gift

WOW!  Congratulations on finishing our degrees!  From in person to X2”NO” back to in person and then Barco-oh no, we persevered and continued to laugh and smile with each other and with our professors.  

What we have gained in knowledge can only be matched by the diversity of relationships we now have as a result of learning from each other. This is our last “act” as a class, and we have selected the Goizueta Business School Library as the worthy recipient of our donation. We should be proud to donate to the GBS Library and support their mission of assisting the GBS community and alumni with their resources, fund of knowledge, and generosity of time. Andrew Carnegie once said that “libraries are the best tool for the masses to lift themselves up.”

Let’s do this: 100% participation is the expectation (not the amount)... we can do this! Thank you for your time, your open heart, great conversations, and in this last act, your open checkbook!

Our donations will support providing alumni access to the Goizueta Business Library Databases.

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In honor of the EMBA Class of 2023



In honor of the EMBA Class of 2023: double the fun!



In honor of the EMBA Class of 2023: SQAURED

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