Thank you for your interest in the Alanna Stone Memorial Endowment campaign. This crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support the Alanna Stone Memorial. Give today!
Hi Friends,
Humbled. Amazed. Grateful. These words only begin to describe how we feel about your dedication and tremendous generosity during this campaign to honor Alanna’s memory and professional legacy. You went above and beyond to demonstrate what she meant to all of you and have once again proven that her legacy is much greater than we can imagine. In 30 days you almost doubled our initial goal, and we stand confident in knowing that this endowment will be put to use for the resources and curricula that Dr. Stone was so passionate about.
Please remember that you can continue to help and further contribute to the Alanna McKelvey Stone, MD, MPH Memorial Endowment for Medical Education by visiting Your kindness and generosity helped put medical education and global health at the forefront of Emory’s Internal Medicine Residency Program ideals and values. We owe the success of this project to each and every one of you. For every Facebook share, every post liked, and for every email sent, we are forever grateful.
-Ale and Mayur
Hi Everyone,
First of all, thank you for all of your generous donations! With nine days to go in our project, we are well on our way to reaching our increased goal of $7500!
Time is running out, so we are reaching out to you all one more time to ask that you please share the project link ( widely and often in these final days. If each current resident is able to donate just $25, we would blow past our goal and ensure medical education and global health curricula are supported within our program for years to come.
Once again, thank you for all of your help to this point. We know Alanna would be so moved by the 60+ students, friends, and colleagues who have come together to do this great thing in her honor.
Onward and upward!
WOW! It’s only the halfway point in our project, and we have surpassed our goal! We know we can continue to grow our impact with your help!
Thank you for the incredible support. We know Alanna would be truly humbled by this amazing effort from her family, friends, and colleagues as she was always so modest with her accomplishments.
By giving to this endowment, you have helped proclaim widely the strengths and accomplishments of our wonderful friend and mentor. The finish line is in sight, and we want to push even harder to the end and raise $7,500 for this important fund! We are thankful for every time you have shared this link and have helped us get to this point. Please continue to spread the word and share our new goal with your social network, colleagues, and friends. Every time you reach someone in your network, you help the Emory Internal Medicine Residency program get one step closer to creating curricula that are focused on global health and medical education, two of Alanna's professional passions.
Thank you so much for the incredible support. We are so close to reaching our goal thanks to all those who have supported the vision and legacy of Alanna. We could not have gotten this far without you.
All of the proceeds from this Momentum campaign will help enrich our Global Health and Medical Education programs, two of Dr. Stone's most passionate interests. This includes more opportunities for research and participation in global health conferences and support for resident and faculty enrichment to promote educational projects that will be implemented in our residency program. For any of you who have appreciated the focus we place on innovative medical education in our program and for all of you whose careers have grown from participation in our Global Health Distinction, know that Dr. Stone's endowment will enhance each of those initiatives. Any donation, no matter the size, is a touching acknowledgement of her legacy.
Gifts to this endowment will help Emory continue to be at the forefront of medical education and focus on creating educators like Alanna with a dedicated passion to teach and a vision for clinically and educationally relevant research.
Please help us reach our goal by sharing this link ( widely with your social network via Facebook, Twitter, or email.
Ale and Mayur
Hello Friends of Internal Medicine at Emory!
From the bottom of our hearts we’d like to thank you for your gift to the Alanna McKelvey Stone Memorial Endowment. Those who met Alanna know that her dedication to medical education and global health were at the core of her career and personal goals. Those who will never get a chance to meet her will have missed out on this driven passion and commitment, and we consider that a great loss. Nonetheless, her mission and legacy will continue through the Alanna McKelvey Stone Memorial.
Please help us reach our $5,000 goal by sharing the project site ( through social media and your personal email network. Together we can provide important resident and faculty resources while also honoring the life of our friend and mentor.
Thank you so much for your help and support!
Ale and Mayur, Project Volunteers