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Emory College Council Tampon Initiative

Emory College Council Tampon Initiative Image
Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
30 Gifts
Project has ended
Project ended on April 09, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

We couldn’t have done it without you!

April 10, 2018

Thanks to your support, we’re able to fund at least two more restrooms around Emory’s campus with completely free and accessible menstrual products. We’re ecstatic that Emory is joining a small but elite class of universities willing to prioritize menstrual health issues, and we can’t wait to see where this progress will continue to take us.


Thank you!

Time is running out!

April 05, 2018

Thank you for your support of College Council’s Tampon Initiative.


We’re excited to share that we are 98 percent of the way to achieving our goal with just 4 days left in the campaign. Help us by sharing this page with anyone you know who is passionate about gender equality, public health, or even higher education – and be sure to let them know there are only 4 days left to make a difference.


Easily tweet about our fundraising effort with this prepopulated tweet.


Again, thank you for your support and for all you’ve done to help us get this close to our goal!

Let Everyone Know What We Are Doing!

March 29, 2018

With your help we are 88 percent of the way to achieving our goal! Thanks to your support, Emory students, faculty, staff, and visitors are closer to fully accessible menstrual products around our campus. With the success of this program and project, we’re excited to start collaborating with the Goizueta Business School, Nursing School, and the other schools across Emory’s community to expand our impact across the University.


Please help us continue to prioritize the education and healthiness of Emory community members.

Spread the word about the Tampon Initiative!

March 21, 2018

Thanks to your generosity, we’re well on our way to reaching our goal, which means three more bathrooms will be able to supply Emory students, faculty, staff, and visitors with the menstrual products they need! We’re not stopping there and would love your continued support in spreading the word and attracting additional support – help us by sharing our page.

Thank you for your support

March 15, 2018

With your help we are 83 percent of the way to achieving our goal! Thanks to your support, Emory students, faculty, staff, and visitors are closer to fully accessible menstrual products around our campus.


Please help us continue to prioritize the education and healthiness of Emory community members.

Celebrate International Women’s Day

March 08, 2018

On a day celebrating the success and advancement of women around the world, it’s important to remember there are still barriers to gender equality that impact everyone, including women in our community. Your gift to the Emory College Council for the Tampon Initiative helps us inch one step closer to the institutionalization of accessible menstrual health products.


Your support not only provides for the Emory community, but also sends a message to other schools, universities, and institutions that access to menstrual products is an issue that should not be ignored.


Please spread the word:

Choose a giving level



This would pay for a supply of 50 tampons.



This would pay for a supply of 100 tampons.



This would pay for a supply of 250 pads.



This would buy a supply of 500 tampons.



This would buy a dispenser with a year's worth of hygiene products.

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