Thank you for your interest in the Emory iGEM: Solving Issues with Synthetic Biology Momentum campaign. This crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support the Emory iGEM Team.
Give Today!
Your contribution of $20 can help cover the cost of agar, needed to grow bacteria.
Your contribution of $50 can help cover the cost of enzyme buffers, needed for optimal restriction enzyme function.
Your contribution of $100 can help cover the cost of centrifuge tubes we will use in lab when analyzing our bacteria.
Your contribution of $200 can help cover the cost to sequence one entire genome.
Your contribution of $400 can help pay for airfare for one team member.
Your contribution of $695 can help register one team member for the iGEM competition.
Your contribution of $800 can help pay for two team members' airfare.
Your contribution of $1,000 can help pay for lodging in Boston for two team members.