Were you a member of the Emory Class of 2018? You can always support Emory!

Emory Class of 2018: What is Your Legacy?

Participation Drive
Blue Tassels are a keepsake for Emory students who give their graduating year. Join the nearly 800 members of the Class of 2018 who have already earned theirs.

Only Hours Remain - Don’t Let Your Friends Miss Out On a Blue Tassel!

May 09, 2018

Thank you for being a part of this tradition and leading the legacy of the Class of 2018!


You may be in the midst of finals, but don’t forget to spread the word about Blue Tassel! Graduating students have through May 10 to make a gift and earn theirs. Now an additional 100+ students have given back to areas of Emory meaningful to them.


Help us to continue the momentum by sharing with your classmates: http://momentum.emory.edu/2018.

Share on Twitter and Facebook too, so your friends don’t miss out!


Still need to pick up your Blue Tassel? Click here to see pick up options.

Spread the Word About Blue Tassel!

May 01, 2018

Thank you for giving back and being a part of the Class of 2018’s legacy!


So far, an additional 81 students have given to Emory and earned their commemorative Blue Tassels. Every gift counts to increase participation and leave a lasting impact on Emory. What inspired you to give back to Emory and pay it forward to future students?


Help us to continue the momentum by sharing with your classmates: http://momentum.emory.edu/2018.

You can also easily share on Twitter and Facebook.


There is less than 2 weeks left to make a difference. Tell your friends to give by May 10, so they won’t miss out!


Learn more about your Blue Tassel pick up options here.

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