Thank you for your interest in the Support a Healthy Future with JScreen Momentum project. This campaign has ended.

Support a Healthy Future with JScreen

Support a Healthy Future with JScreen Image
Raised toward our $100,000 Goal
201 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 10, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

JScreen: 75% to goal! Your gift will help get us to 100%!

December 14, 2022

We are so close to meeting our goal for JScreen's Annual Campaign! Please consider making a meaningful gift for our life-saving work and share the online campaign link widely on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or by email.


The families we impact on a daily basis are so grateful for your past commitment and appreciate your continued support.


December 15, 2021

On behalf of the staff and the people we service, we want to thank YOU for being an integral part of our successful Momentum Annual Campaign. 

Thanks to your support, we surpassed our $100,000 fundraising campaign goal, earning a matching gift for an additional $25,000!  We couldn’t have done it without you.

Your support means we can continue to ensure healthy lives through reproductive and hereditary cancer genetic testing. Your philanthropy directly enables us to expand our outreach to local communities, create new educational opportunities and provide state-of the-art genetic testing and counseling services.  

Again, with heartfelt gratitude, THANK YOU for your dedication to JScreen. 

YOU are at the heart of ensuring a healthy future for our community.

We’re almost there and need your help!

December 08, 2021

We’re almost there and need your help! There are just a few hours left to show your support for the JScreen campaign! Please ask your friends and family to join you in a donation, and give again if you can (
We’re well into the home stretch to meet our goal of $100,000, which will earn us a bonus $25,000 matching gift! 

Please support JScreen and help ensure the health of this and future healthy generations! Thank you!

Today is Giving Tuesday!

November 30, 2021

Today is Giving Tuesday, the global day of giving. JScreen thanks you for your generosity and support throughout our Annual Campaign. A generous matching grant of $25,000 will be secured if we raise $100,000. We are now only $10,000 away from our goal!


Please share the online campaign link with family and friends so we can continue to keep families healthy in 2022 and beyond. You play a key role in spreading the word about this campaign, and we are confident we can meet our fundraising goal with your help.


With gratitude,

The JScreen Team  


A huge thank you from JScreen!

November 19, 2021

THANK YOU for your generous donation to JScreen’s Annual Campaign! We’ve raised over $84,000 and we have some exciting news! An anonymous donor has generously offered a $25,000 matching gift if we reach our goal of $100,000. So, we are extending our campaign until December 10, 2021. Please ask your friends and family to join you in this cause by sharing the information and online campaign link widely on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or by email.  

As one JScreen participant put it, “I would 100% recommend JScreen! My experience was incredibly positive and I walked away with invaluable, actionable information related with my health and my family's health. I especially liked how personal the consultation with the genetic counselor was. She did a fantastic job walking me through my results, answering questions, and personalizing the experience.”  

Thank you again.

Together, we can save lives.

-The JScreen Team

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